Austin ITS Architecture
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The Regional ITS Architecture identifies a large number of existing and planned data flows between the agencies that support the vision of the Regional ITS Architecture. To successfully integrate agencies and implement the planned data flows, it may be necessary to develop agreements to document how information will be shared, systems will be operated, and maintenance of systems will occur. A number of existing agreements were identified in the Austin Region that related to ITS operations and maintenance. These agreements are included below.

Austin-Area Incident Management for Highways (AIMHigh) Memorandum of Regional Cooperation

City of Austin and Capital Metropolitan Transit Authority Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Traffic Signal Priority System

City of Austin and Travis County Interlocal Agreement for Installation, Maintenance, Upgrading, and Operation of Traffic Control Devices

Interlocal Agreement for Operation and Maintenance of the CTECC Facility and Supported Systems

Joint Operations/Shared Control Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Establishment of a Unified Public Safety Communications System

Travis County and City of Austin Procedures for the Movement and Transportation of Deceased Individuals from the Roadway

TxDOT Agreement for Sharing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Data with Media Outlets

TxDOT and City of San Marcos Local Project Advance Funding Agreement for the Upgrading of Traffic Signals within a Municipality

TXDOT and Local Government Multiple Use Agreement for Sharing Fiber Optic Cable and/or Related Infrastructure

TxDOT and Private Railroad Right-of-Way Agreement for the Installation and Maintenance of Fiber Optic Cable both Above and Below Railroad Tracks




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